Book cover showing an illustration of a tree

The family law handbook

5th edition by Dr Maree Livermore
Thomson Reuters, 2019

Your practical guide to Australian family law

The Family law handbook is a practical guide for people undergoing separation and divorce. It includes information on what to do after separating, how to negotiate with your former partner, making arrangements for your children, family violence and abuse, achieving a fair property settlement and what happens at court. It includes sample forms, tips on drafting an affidavit, strategies for preparing for a court hearing, and useful information on all aspects of the separation and divorce process.

Chapters 1 and 2 from the 5th edition of The family law handbook provided by Thomson Reuters for publication on the Find Legal Answers website.

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The family law handbook, 5th edition, 2019. Published by Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited.
© Thomson Reuters (Professional) Australia Limited 2019.

Note to readers: Readers are advised to seek expert advice with specific problems in family law. This book is intended as a guide to the law and should not be used as a substitute for legal or accounting advice.